Holiday Gift Ideas
‘Tis the Season
…to overthink, stress, worry, or maybe you are already in full blown panic mode trying to source “the perfect gift” that we are often sold online. I gotta be honest - I don’t buy into it, The “perfect” part that is. So what if we all agreed to let that idea go - and instead focus on buying and giving gifts with intention instead. Because isn’t it the “thought” that counts as they say?
Am I sharing gift ideas that I would love to receive or have given as gifts - yes. But if you are at the point that you can’t physically get them into your hands - a gift card is not a terrible option, as long as you do this…
I spend a lot of time working 1:1 with women. And what I know through conversation (and life experience) is that at the end of the day we all want to be seen, heard and valued. And that doesn’t have to be shown through a big fancy expensive gift (although I wouldn’t be opposed to it either - ha ha ha). This can be done through the words that we use when giving said thoughtful gift.
What do I mean?
First of all - don’t go to your local convenience store and let the gift card section speak to you. Be intentional. Go to a store that you know they like. Where they would want to spend money but might hesitate to because women are typically hard wired to feel guilty about spending money on themselves.
Is there something they have talked about wanting?
What would excite them?
And now the “words” part. Write a card. Tell them what they mean to you. Tell them why you picked the gift for them. Why this matters? your WORDS will be what makes them feel seen and valued. And isn’t that the whole point of buying a gift for someone?
Here are a few of my favourite go-to’s as of late from life to style:
Shop My Favourite Holiday Gift Ideas:
Thanks for choosing to be here, xo