My Favourite White Sneakers
Find YOUR Perfect Pair
If jeans are my go-to bottoms, then white sneakers are my go-to favourite footwear. But before we go any further let’s clarify what I mean by white sneakers shall we?
What I don’t mean is a white running shoe that you would work out in, go for a walk or run in, or find in any athletic section of a shoe store. What I mean is a tennis-like looking shoe that you would not play tennis in - ha ha ha.
Why I love the white sneaker as much as I do? Because it’s a foolproof, goes with everything, instantly dresses down an outfit while also leaving you feeling as though you can move through your day what whatever pace is required. All while feeling pulled together.
And because the theme of my Instagram DM’s as of late has been “can you send me a link to your favourite sneakers” - I thought a Blog post circa 1995 would be a more appropriate way to reach the masses and ensure you find the perfect pair for YOU!
Am I one to use the term “perfect” when it comes to style? Not usually. But when I attach it to the statement “for YOU”, well then - suddenly it takes on a whole new meaning.
Shop SneakersHERE:
Reminder: personal style is subject to what you feel at your best in and shouldn’t need to look or be influenced by a seasonal trend that doesn’t “fit” you. My recommendations come from a place of equal parts expertise and what I personally like. Make sure you always choose pieces and products that YOU love and feel at your best in. That’s when true style is created.
Thanks for choosing to be here, xo