Why The Daily Dose?
Today’s daily dose? Leaning into the post that grabbed my attention and apparently yours to this week. That post saying this:“Stop waiting to feel ready. Ready isn’t a feeling. It’s a decision”. As a lot of you said in response: “ouch”.
To be honest, the first thing I thought of was this space - Isla Pearl. What you wouldn’t know is that I created this website (well, a much less exciting version), and wrote blog posts upon blog posts behind the scenes and never hit the publish button…on any of it. And I did this for the better part of a year. It wasn’t until my husband called me out (lovingly, supportively, and if you know him - with a side order of humour) saying: when are you going live? What’s the date? And in that moment I committed. I made a decision to go LIVE. Not like literally in that moment - I mean, I’m not that crazy. I needed a few weeks to you know - just give me more time to be more ready ;)
I wasn’t ready. I mean, I was in the context of having the website ready and blog posts ready to go. What I wasn’t ready for, for what people might say, what they might think. Sound familiar. We tell ourselves that we need more time, we need to be more ready for whatever it is that we have been sitting on for way too long - but what it really is, is being seen. Because that is vulnerable. It opens us up to opinions, and judgement - but do you know what it also opens us up to? Feeling supported, a sense of accomplishment, finding a community, doing something you love, the feeling that comes along with finally taking action on something, and most importantly is does allow us to be seen. For who we are. And that my friend is a really freaking freeing feeling.
It doesn’t have to be a website or posting a Blog post - but I have a feeling you are sitting on something right now that you’ve been sitting on for awhile now. Telling yourself you aren’t ready. Telling yourself you need more time. What I’ll say to that is this: just decide, but also - what’s the date?
As always, thanks for choosing to be here.