The Importance of Showing Up

And why it matters

Raise your hand if you’ve ever decided and committed to doing something - and then, you don’t. Sigh.

Now before we move forward, I should clarify what I don’t mean. What I don’t mean is committing to something that you never should have said yes to in the first place. You know, out of guilt or because you didn’t have a quick response line like I do for getting caught in a moment. I’m talking about the energy that typically comes along with the start to a new year, or in this particular case - a new week. All of the things you are going to do, or dare I say “change” - and then, the moment arrives and you don’t. Here is why you need to STOP doing that, and instead choose to show up.

In my humble opinion, part of the problem is that most of us have convinced ourselves or believe we have to be 100% all in on something. You know what I mean, an all in or nothing kind of approach. Yep, you know what I’m talking about. I’m totally guilty of it too. Well, at least in the past.

My approach now? Show up. Because that is the hardest part. And in my humble (and semi professional opinion), once you do show up - the rest of it will be easy. And as a follow up and reminder to this: showing up and doing whatever it is at 60% is better than not doing it at all - but you probably already knew that.

But here’s the most important message about showing up…

You subconsciously tell yourself you are important and worth showing up for. Let me repeat that: you subconsciously tell yourself you are important and worth showing up for. Because: you are. Because: YOU matter.

Does showing up take effort? Yes. Does it mean choosing the less easy option? Yes. Does it mean you might have to do things that make you feel uncomfortable? Yes. But does it also mean you feel better for doing it? Hell to the yes. And when you feel that feeling you also tell your subconscious showing up is worth it. And that feeling is hard to ignore.

Examples of how you can show up this week:

Style: Reach for something that isn’t status quo. Ah hm, this might mean leggings and a hoodie - no offence to them, they absolutely serve a purpose - but if wearing them everyday doesn’t lead to you showing up at your best, then reach for something different). Put something on you feel great in. I promise you, you’ll feel better for it.

Movement: Even if it’s not the best time, or the best circumstances, or you don’t have the energy to show up 100% - do what you can. Your body will always feel better for moving. It’s what it’s designed to do.

Mindset: What is something you’ve maybe been avoiding doing or talk yourself out of doing. DO IT. Do it even though it’s not perfect or exactly how you want it to be. What do they say - progress, not perfection. Take action on something you’ve been wanting to do. And whatever you do, don’t break that promise to yourself - more on that tomorrow! ;)

As always, thanks for choosing to be here.


Don’t Break Promises to Yourself


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