Don’t Break Promises to Yourself

Our brain doesn’t know context. It just knows how to react and respond how it sees fit. It’s why our nerves rise to the surface in new and unfamiliar situations in an effort to protect us and to keep us out of harms way even though there’s no real need to protect us. The other context it doesn’t know - when something is kind of important, or really really important. Which is why it’s so important to not break promises to yourself.

Kind of like a side kick to yesterday’s topic of Showing Up (didn’t read it? You can read it here) - why it’s so important to not break promises to yourself is because much like showing up - our subconscious receives the message that we matter and that we are important.

When we break promises to ourselves we are subconsciously saying that it doesn’t matter - that we don’t matter. And the worst part - we believe it. Sounds a bit dramatic I know. But let me ask you this: what happens when you say you are going to do something, maybe set a goal and then - don’t follow through.

What feelings come up for you? I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume the feelings that usually come up are those related to shame, guilt, and any other variation of negative self-talk. And that is the energy you are carrying.

When we keep the promises we make to ourselves the outcome is feelings of strength and confidence. But more importantly then flexing these feelings, we remind ourselves we are worth it and that we can in fact do it.

Why this matters:

You’ll create the habit of following through no matter what. The outcome will be all of the positives that come along from doing the thing you said you were going to while also subconsciously telling yourself you are worth showing up for.

As always, thanks for choosing to be here.



Are You Should’ing Your Life Away


The Importance of Showing Up