Are You Should’ing Your Life Away
"I should be further along"
"I should be more successful"
"I should be a better mom"
"I should work out more"
"I should____________"
Projections are around us all of the time. We see people on social media or living their life #IRL and immediately think to ourselves "I should _________". But should you? Do you want to? Notice all of the times you say "should" in your life. Ask yourself what you really want and what is important to you. Are you living by the rules and expectations that YOU have created or are you living by someone else's that may or may not include society at play. Reminders are around us everywhere, you can either choose to see them as a gentle reminder to check in with yourself to make sure you are in alignment with what you want and need - or, you can use it to feel like sh*t about what you aren't doing (even though it might not be what you want or need). Again, your choice. Make sure it's an empowered one.
Today's Theme in Action:
Wake up to when you say “should” and just as quickly as it creeps its way in, ask yourself what you really want. If it’s not something you want, leave it behind for someone else. Reminder that you don’t need to hold onto it and carry it if it’s not for you.
As always, thanks for choosing to be here.