The Qualities in Others

I’m just going to cut right to the chase on this one: You can’t recognize a quality in someone else you don’t have within yourself. Let me repeat: you cannot recognize a quality in someone else you don’t have within yourself. Now, I will say - this goes both ways (ah hm, those positive qualities that we admire, but also the ones we don’t). But for the purpose of today and focusing on all things positive - let’s focus on those ones.

So let’s turn this into a quick exercise. Think about someone you admire (I know, so many right?). Now think about a quality about them that stands out the most to you. Is it that they persevere, their warmth, how kind they are? Get as specific as possible when it come to the quality. Now, identify that quality within yourself (I know, this is the harder part of this exercise). The reason why you might be struggling to identify it, is because you are looking at it in the same context. Don’t. Just think about the quality and look for where it shoes up for YOU.

People are simply mirrors for us. It’s how we choose to use that information that matters. Admire something about someone - its the universe telling you, or reminding you its within you too.

As always, thanks for choosing to be here.



Your Best Qualities


Your Shortcut to Positive Affirmations