Your Best Qualities
If you didn’t see this coming after yesterday’s post, you don’t know me at all. Today, as a nod to The Friday Five YOU are highlighting what you believe to be at least five of your best qualities.
Okay, but before you start (or run away) I want to note a few things. I want this to be what YOU think. What YOU believe to be true about yourself. Not what you think others think about you. This isn’t the time to make yourself small or say things like “I guess I’m….” no, no, no - be bold about it, be loud about it, be really really freaking proud about it - because it’s what makes you YOU. And you my friend are pretty freaking amazing. You just need to remind yourself of it.
Want to amply this exercise (yeah you do) - think about how those qualities have made the lives of those you care about the most - better. Because you know they have.
As always, thanks for choosing to be here.