What Are You Waiting For
"it's not the right time"
"maybe next month"
"I'm just so busy"
Is this topic similar to “Reasons vs. Excuses”? Yes, but sometimes we need to hear things in a different way for them to resonate - you know what I mean. Can I ask you something direct? What do YOU actually want. Whatever you want you can do. It might not be easy. And it might require a lot of hard work. And it will definitely require you to move through your fear. But - you sitting around and leaning on the biggest excuse of all time known as "perfect circumstances" -which are never going to come is the ultimate roadblock.
But again, what do you really want. Do you actually want to change careers? Do you want to get “in shape”? Do you want learn more about something? Because if you do - what are you doing about it? What action are you taking to do it - to go after it?
Listen, whatever you want is available to you - but you do have to first know what you want, and then choose to go after it. And by that I mean - take action.
As always, thanks for choosing to be here.