Who is “They” Anyway?

If you’ve ever had a conversation with me where you utter words of doubt - this is the face you are going to be met with. So glad that my friend Ash was able to capture it all of those years ago in the middle of a photoshoot - but I digress.

Today I want to highlight and call out the subconscious thought and statement that almost all of us have have been held back by. That thought being: what will they think?

I’ve got a question for you? Who exactly is “they” anyway? No seriously - who is it? Is it someone specific? Is it someone close to you? I want you to get very consciously aware of who it is - because for most of us, it isn’t someone. It’s a hypothetical.

We have this subconscious idea in our head that there is this individual or maybe group of people out there just waiting to judge and criticize us. Maybe yours are actual judges sitting at a table with microphones or maybe it is a group sitting in grandstands ready to boo a la the losers at the Super Bowl put off by Taylors existence (sigh) - either way, you have a visual of who they are. But they aren’t real.

And even if they are - who cares. Or as Mel Robbins would say - let them. Because it’s not their life you are living - it’s yours. And I don’t know about you, but I would rather be out living my best and fullest life vs. keeping it small because I’m worried about a hypothetical judgement.

So take this with you today: the next time you hold yourself back because of what some hypothetical person “might” think, remind yourself that it’s your life. And my friend, you living your best and fullest one won’t come from holding any of it back.

As always, thanks for choosing to be here.



Ask For What You Want